Saturday, August 31, 2024



Insane red stamp stock illustration. Illustration of white - 73713466


Five senses there were

Six, there are now,

Somewhere along the line

To this, the rest bowed.


Seeing is believing

That’s what I’ve been told,

Hearing brings doubt

Especially, if you are old.


Taste is acquired

I have proven that,

Smell doesn’t discriminate

That’s a proven fact.


Touching is exciting

But can be dangerous too,

If you are out of touch

Your senses are skewed.


It means you’re not seeing

Or hearing well,

Taste and smell are off

It’s not difficult to tell.


Extra-sensory perception

Or, E.S.P. for short

Doesn’t trust the others,

It’s an intuition of sorts.


It goes beyond the five

It’s a sixth sense we say,

And it’s increasingly becoming

The acceptable way.


Insane red stamp stock illustration. Illustration of white - 73713466


It incorporates the others

Then throws them out,

Having little regard for facts

And feeds on doubt.


Its best practitioners

Were mainly women

But men are getting there too,

That’s the huge problem.


Extra-sensory perception

Once a woman’s condition

Is now, I’m afraid,

A man’s predilection.


It doesn’t make sense

But who really cares?

It is less stressful you see

When sorting our affairs.


It is off the grid

And this we know

But it seems to be working,

It is E.S.P. on show.


Insane red stamp stock illustration. Illustration of white - 73713466


How else can you explain

A world that is gone mad?

A world that has lost its senses

And this is truly sad.


Stewart Russell © May 2020


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