Friday, August 09, 2024

Consistently Inconsistent


 Consistently Inconsistent - The Hockey Mom Fit Life


The only constant is God

According to what most tell me

And if I were entirely honest,

I would have to agree.


Again, we may also agree,

That another is within range,

This being what we often hear-

The only constant is change.


So, God is definitely one

And change surely is another,

There is a third I must mention

And this one is a bother.


Consistently inconsistent

The title of this poem,

Day in and day out you’d know

Inconsistency is a problem.


There’s scarcely an occupation

In which this is not large

And not only from the workers,

But also from those in charge.


It is across the public service

In the church and Parliament

And it has become so pervasive,

It reeks of deliberate intent.


The 3 Secrets For Consistency… From the Consistently Inconsistent –

Ad hoc behavior I call it,

Always contrary to the plan

And it does not pertain to animals

But is a specialty of man.


It is nothing to be proud of

For it betrays a person’s trust,

And the frequent disappointments

Can cause a lot of fuss.


Consistently inconsistent

That’s what I am talking ‘bout,

That inconsistency is a constant,

Is to me without doubt.


Garbage collection in Barbados

Workers at their various jobs,

When they stick to an agreement

It comes over as being odd.


Doctors will give you a time

To turn up for an appointment

But so too have been several others

For that same instant.

Nine O'Clock | Bucharest 

“What’s your appointment time?”

“My appointment time is nine.”

“How can that be, my friend,

When that is the same as mine?”


It’s difficult to properly plan

Given these inconsistencies

And the frustration that occurs

Is all too frequently.


Consistently inconsistent!

Inconsistency is a constant,

Maybe not like God and change

But almost as frequent.


Stewart Russell © August 8, 2023


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