Sunday, August 04, 2024

Jesus Is


Jesus Is My Everything | Christian Saying - Jesus Is My Everything - Pin |  TeePublic

Jesus is my Saviour

Jesus is my Lord

Jesus is my Shepherd

And my Living Word


Jesus is my Redeemer

And my coming King

He fills my heart with joy

Of Him I daily sing


Jesus is my Bread

And the spiritual food I eat

To do his will my purpose

And my everlasting meat


Jesus is my Refuge

Such that into him I run

My fortress, shield and buckler

Without him I am undone


Jesus is my Deliverer

From the stress of daily cares

Even when it’s dark and dismal

He dispels all my fears


Jesus Is the Light/ Devotion/ Bible Study Media


Jesus is my Way

He is my lighted path

Along which I travel to Glory

And into heaven at last


Jesus is my Answer

To the world’s big questions

By his word he speaks to me

And cautions me to listen


Jesus is my Solution

To every presented problem

I just place them in his hand

And trust in him to solve them


Jesus is my All in All

He is my ever-present hope

By faith I walk each day with him

And in his strength I cope.


Stewart Russell © May 2018


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