Thursday, August 15, 2024




Are you bitter?

Do you carry a grudge?

Is your running oil contaminated

And converting to sludge?


Are you languid

With no get up and go

And you are putting in the effort

But still running slow?


Are you annoyed

By mostly trivial stuff

So much so that nothing is easy

But everything is tough?


Are you paranoid

And at odds with all

Feeling that everyone except you

Has to be a fraud?


Not Listening - Emoji Drawing


Are you resentful

Over another’s success

To the extent that most nights

You can’t get a rest?


Are you behind most

But pretend to be ahead

And oft entertain thoughts like

You’d be better off dead?


Are you feeling uptight

Because you can’t relax,

With two steps going forward

And three pulling back?

How the world spins!

Are you born again

Yet are stuck in a rut

And feel like you are spinning

Top in the muck


Are you seeking aid

Regarding your condition

But nobody so far has provided

A working solution?


If the above is true

Then consider again

That the very first question posed

Is key to your pain.


Are you bitter?

Do you carry a grudge?

Is your running oil contaminated

And converting to sludge?


Check your bitter bile;

It spoils everything,

It gets so deep in your system

You’re not able to sing.


Resentful PNG, Vector, PSD, and Clipart ...


It steals your joy

And the joy of others,

Bitterness like unforgiveness

Could be your bother.


Forgive and move on,

Let the bitterness go!

Often your offender doesn’t care

And this will show.


If you’ve been wronged

And there’s no apology,

Please make sure that bitterness

Doesn’t add insult to injury.


Stewart Russell © July 8, 2024


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