Thursday, August 01, 2024

August Come It Must


Chapter 8 images on


August come it must

But it already did!

Hurricane Beryl, I mean,

And she didn’t kid.


On the 1st July

She was not on standby

But with some ferocity

She let her winds fly.


Too soon in June

She had started up,

A category 4 before landfall

Promising a bitter cup.


Union Island devastated by Hurricane Beryl


And a bitter cup it was

In the Caribbean,

Union Island and Carriacou

Devastating scenes!


UN official describes total devastation in Carriacou following Hurricane  Beryl - Aletihad News Center


Announced in June

Long before August,

Its devastation evident in July

Ferocious and robust.


Beryl in her rage

Not caring about order,

Mixing up the three months

Tore up our border.


But this was good

Compared to another

Where the fallout from Beryl

Is a horrid bother.


Years it will take

To fix Beryl’s damage,

But for now, we’ll have to see

What can be salvaged.


August come it must

But it already did!

Hurricane Beryl, I mean,

And she didn’t kid.


I have a question

Now that August is here,

It is so early in this season

I tremble with fear.


What’s on offer

Is my question to August,

Please, not another like Beryl,

She was too rough!


 UPDATE: Hurricane Beryl Earliest Category 4 Hurricane on Record in the  Atlantic Ocean - Space Coast Daily


Do notice the plea

And let us join in prayer

Not another like Hurricane Beryl

No, not this year!


Stewart Russell © August 1, 2024


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