Wednesday, August 28, 2024

All Means None


5 Steps To A Successful Content Marketing Campaign - Business 2 Community


I have a strong feeling

This baffles you

But never you mind

It baffled me too.


Until I got to thinking

Like you are now

And wonder if there was a way

I could really see how.


Aren’t they opposites?

I am sure they are

And yet mean the same?

Not even by far.


If I say I have a title

And none can take it

That means all-

I am sure that would fit.


It means all can try

But none will succeed,

None can take it

Now do you believe?


If all can mean none

Then none can mean all

So, think about this one

And give me a call.


Calls received: none

Didn’t work with this,

Let’s look at another

To see what I missed.


All means none

That worked quite well

But trying the reverse

It seems I fell.


5 Steps To A Successful Content Marketing Campaign - Business 2 Community


Consider this one

That’s in the next verse,

I hope I have it now

No time to rehearse.


All of them remained:

That means none left,

There you have it

I am out of this mess.


He gave away all

That means he has none,

None means all

I hope you had fun.


Don’t try it with me

If you owe me, though,

On the day you promised

I expect you to show.


And it’s not all or none

Bring some and come,

If you come empty handed

When you see me, run!


I am feeling doubtful

About this “all means none”

But verse thirteen was odd

So, on fourteen I am done.


Stewart Russell © May 2020



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