Sunday, August 18, 2024

Evidence Is Not Faith


Faith Is Evidence (Proof) of God's Promise of Salvation


Evidence is necessary

Regarding any practiced faith

But such evidence

Cannot that faith replace.


Evidence is not synonymous

With a believer’s faith

But by evidentiary behavior

Faith can be traced.


Faith is the substance

Of things hoped for,

And faith is also the evidence

Of things not seen.


Evidence is not faith

Even though faith is evidence,

More particularly

Evidence of things not seen.


Faith is confidence

In the faithfulness of God

That God is ever able to keep

Them He also called.

Faith = Realization and Evidence | FaithHub 

The things we hope for

By faith we have them,

The fact there is a universe

Says this is no problem.


Tomorrow’s expectation

Is today’s evidence

Faith’s reality is realized

In an instance.


Evidence is not faith

But it is what faith does,

It is the promised fulfilment

Of our Father’s love.

Faith = Realization and Evidence | FaithHub

It is covenantal

Meaning it is substantial

Because God, our Father

Is ever faithful.


The hall of faith chapter

Located in Hebrews,

Presents the evidence for faith

In multifaceted reviews.


Some received the reality

Of their hope’s expectation

While others died without it

But not in frustration.


Notice Job’s know-so faith

In his immortal words I know,

The evidence was clear

That confirmed it for Job.


Abel’s faith was evident

By his substantial gifts,

Thus, God testified of the same-

Such faith is not a myth.

Faith = Realization and Evidence | FaithHub

By faith is found

Seventeen times in Hebrews

Followed by its evidence

In each faith review.


Evidence is not faith

But it surely is faith's proof

And it is founded on nothing other

Than God’s revealed truth.


Stewart Russell © September 24, 2023


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