Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hobson’s Choice?



Hobson's Choice - odishabytes 


When the choice becomes

To vote or not to vote,

That we are in extremely, dire straits,

We should seriously note.


A Hobson’s choice

Is sometimes subtle

Appearing to be multiple choices

Of similar proposals.


Politics in Barbados

Is at an all-time low,

Democracy is severely challenged

And one party vetoed.


Such that at present

There is really one choice

Though there is a particular show

That has a loud voice.


If local elections

Were to be called today,

Hobson’s to vote or not to vote

Would be at play.


For the alternate party

Has fallen from grace

And regarding its former pomp

There is no trace.


In fighting is greater

Than that from without

And that they are not shipshape

Is without a doubt.


A tale of two leaders

Is yet to be resolved

Both former B’s around whom

The issue revolves.



CRSTG | Europe Edition | Thorn Injury 

One of course,

More recent than the other

And thus, having political clout

Being the other’s bother.


A voice in Parliament

When there was none

But pride despite political poverty

Continues its run.


Rejecting the hand-up

First offered by the PM

And after welcoming the crossover,

Exacerbating the problem.


Of the registered voters

Only 45% voted in 2022,

Compared to the election of 2018

This was a relative few.


 2018 Barbadian general election - Wikipedia


Back then 60% voted

And the DLP was voted out,

That 30-nil showed utter contempt

Was without a doubt.


2022 Barbadian general election - Wikipedia


There was 30-nil again

In the year 2022

As 15% fewer electorate voted

Supporting my view.


Over thirty thousand votes

Were lost by the BLP

But the DLP gained no headway

Losing 3000 approximately.


A projection to 2027

Offers even less hope

There will be a larger voter turnout

To polling stations to vote.


For which party to vote

Was the consideration

But now, to vote or not to vote

Is our consternation.



Hobson's Choice - odishabytes


Hobson’s choice

I guess one can say

For whether we vote or not vote,

It will be BLP’s day.


Thirty-nil in 2018

And thirty-nil in 2022

Will likely be thirty-nil in 2027;

What is your view?


Stewart Russell © August 17, 2024


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