Monday, August 26, 2024

Just Two Words


Yes, Dear!


Let me start adrift

And then I’ll come home

To the crux of the matter

Or, the meat on the bone.


Remember the song

“Those Three Little Words”

Which to your spouse

Was like having the world?


How they settled disputes

Before they grew

Yes, Those Three Little Words

I Love You?


But given today’s recession

There is a cut back

It’s two words now

With a greater impact.


Gentlemen, if you want your marriage to work

Here is what you do,

“Yes Dear” is now the magic words

Instead of “I Love You”.


When she calls out to you

It is, Yes Dear!

And if she doesn’t agree with your view

It is, Yes Dear!

 Yes, Dear!

If something is to be done right away

It is, Yes Dear!

And if she wants you to stay home on a work day

It is, Yes Dear!


And if she doesn’t like the friends you are keeping

It is, Yes Dear!

And if she wants you to sleep when she is sleeping

It is, Yes Dear!


And if she puts a curfew on you

It is, Yes Dear!

And if for each event her dress must be new

It is, Yes Dear!


And if she pesters you all through the day

It is, Yes Dear!

And if she wants you around but not in her way

It is, Yes Dear!


And if you know she is wrong but she thinks she is right

It is, Yes Dear!

And you’d rather be in the dark but she wants the light

It is, Yes Dear!


And she wants you do something you’d rather not do

It is, Yes Dear!

And you want to buy a lot but she says a few

It is, Yes Dear!


You want to give her half of the money but she wants all

It is, Yes Dear!

And you want to make a call and she says don’t call

It is, Yes Dear!


And she wants you to change from your Yes Dear reply

It is, Yes Dear!

But she doesn’t want you to ask her the reason why

It is, Yes Dear!


 Yes, Dear!

And the moment you stop she changes her mind

It is, Yes Dear!

And she wants you to say curtains instead of blinds

It is, Yes Dear!


And she feels you are unfaithful but you know you are not

It is, Yes Dear!

And she makes you promise you will immediately stop

It is, Yes Dear!


And she wants to check to make sure you comply

It is, Yes Dear!

And whatever she wants you must agree to buy

It is, Yes Dear!


And you want to be a man but she wants a yard boy

It is, Yes Dear!

And she wants you to be quiet and don’t even look annoyed

It is, Yes Dear!


And when all you have done she is still not satisfied

It is, Yes Dear!

And she wants you out of her sight so go and hide

It is, Yes Dear!


And after that she accuses you for not being around

It is, Yes Dear!

And wants you to agree you are the world’s biggest clown

It is, Yes Dear!


And she somehow realizes she is wrong and you are right

It is, Yes Dear!

But you must accept being wrong so she can be right

It is, Yes Dear!


Yes, Dear! 

So the two of you can live happily ever after

It is, Yes Dear!

And have a great marriage with lots of children and laughter

It is, Yes Dear!


And occasionally say I love you, like three times a day

It is, Yes Dear!

And sing along with her “We did it your way”

It is, Yes Dear!


Stewart Russell © October 2019


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