Monday, May 08, 2023

If There Were No God


Good Sentence appreciation - If there were no God, there would be no  atheists.


If there were no God

How would you live?

Would you still be a servant?

Would you still give?


If there were no God

Would you help a brother?

Would you still do good?

Would you help a sister?


If there were no God

How would you spend a day?

Would you live differently?

Would selfishness be the way?


If there were no God

Would you still do right?

Would you still follow the Bible?

Would you walk in its light?


If there were no God

Hints that there must be one,

He must be just as real

As every passing dawn.


For we have the evidence

When a new day is come,

We are assuredly convinced

When we see the rising sun.


I am particularly awestruck

At the evidence for God,

It is though all nature stands

And this very fact applauds.


Order and design, how intricate!

How similar yet different!

A mere peep at all of this

Evidences a mental intent.

If there were no God, it would be necessary to invent him – Voltaire |  Voltaire quotes, Voltaire, Make you believe

If there were no God

Would humans have a mind

To deliberate on all this

Across the expanse of time?


If there is no God

From whom came the mind?

Though it cannot be touched or seen

We use it all the time.


Evolutionists have an answer

For every tangible fact,

Give them billions of years

And they will find its track.


But concerning the intangible

They do not have a clue,

Their science is loudly silent

Their minds appear so too.


The intangible explains God

And the mind perceives that fact.

Science is the observable

The mind is on a different track.


If there were no God

There could never be the mind

Neither would there be matter

Nor even space or time.


Homepage - YOU


If there were no God

There could never be you

And continuing that same thought

There would be no me too.


If there were no God

Nothing would have existed,

No Big Bang or what caused it

To have some minds so twisted.


If there were no God

This poem could never be

So with that I rest my case

And leave the rest to the Almighty.


Many have passed to eternity

With their no-God notion,

 I entreat you before you do

To give Him your devotion.


Stewart Russell © October 2018

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