Saturday, June 01, 2024

We’re into June


Winds unleash assault on roads and homes as storm picks up hurricane speeds  over Barbados - Barbados Today


Well, we are into June,

It has flown here quite fast

And before we know it

It too will be past.


Are the days shorter

Or is there so much to do

That before we get to finish

The day is through?


Are we having fun

Which causes time to fly

So that the famous saying

None can deny?


Is it short for some

But quite long for others

Especially those for whom

Life is a bother?


Whatever the reason

We’re definitely into June

And regarding what this means

We are here too soon.


Elsa strengthens into season's 1st hurricane in Caribbean, closing schools,  airports | CBC News


January February March

April May and June,

The warning signs point out

Hurricane season looms.


Those claiming to know

Have predicted much

But good old Bajans believe

They can ride their luck.


“God is a Bajan”

You’d have heard it said

But I’ve read the Bible through

And that I’ve never read.


Preparation is long

While the money is short

And the preparations we plan

We often must abort.


Barbados money - new series of banknotes 22227981 Stock Photo at Vecteezy


This is my experience

But in God we must trust

To keep us calm and prayerful

And help us not to fuss.


Plan for the worst

While trusting for the best,

Whether pessimist or optimist

In Jehovah God rest.


Stewart Russell © June 1, 2024

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