Sunday, June 02, 2024

Nothing Is Impossible


People say nothing's impossible but i do nothing everyday Winnie the Pooh |

“But I can do nothing,”

When pressed upon to do…

The response of a little child

Having a fearful view.


Afraid of failing, no doubt,

Having failed before,

And not willing to risk the chance

Of failing anymore.


Or take another child

Caught in some forbidden act:

What are you doing? the parent asks,

And “Nothing,” comes right back.


That it’s easy to do nothing

Is definitely not on track,

Nothing is an impossible feat

No need to take that back.


Doing nothing is impossible!

That’s an amazing truth,

Don’t be too quick to disagree,

You will supply my proof.


Right this moment


You’re probably standing or sitting,

For sure you are breathing

And you can’t be doing nothing

When right now you are reading.


Just do nothing. It is impossible. - 9GAG


So, nothing is impossible,

You may have heard the song,

And though it refers to God

We ofttimes get it wrong.


We use it in a loose way

When nothing means not busy

But evolutionists stand upon it

And to them it’s not silly.


It is like planting one’s feet

On perfectly thin air

And trying to convince others

There is no need to fear.


It will carry your weight

And do so most assuredly

And if you still have any doubts

You’re the one that’s crazy.


René Descartes Quote: “Nothing comes out of nothing.”


Out of nothing, nothing comes,

This is a scientific fact

But some mistakenly believe

Big Bang was the major act.


With nothing to combust

There was a powerful thrust,

Big Bang is a must

In which we must trust.


Hence nothing is impossible

With God or Big Bang,

It is critically important, though,

On which our hopes hang.


Nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible to do,

This nothing is absolutely nothing

A nothing no one can do.


7 Bible Verses about 'Impossible' - KJV -


Nothing is impossible,

This nothing references God

With whom all things are possible

In the context of His word.


In the everyday context

We have something and nothing,

We are always doing something

But at no time do we do nothing.


Nothing is impossible to do

Two ways to look at this:

One way is from God’s perspective

The other way is a miss.


Stewart Russell © December 9, 2021

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