Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Amidst Our Mist


Our Life is Like a Mist (James 4:14) - Radical


In the midst of our mist

When our vision is unclear

We are prone to act erratically,

Mostly out of fear.


Oft there are events

We can do nothing about

Like some happening in our past

That left us in doubt.


In the midst of our mist

When we battle the world

We attack both friend and foe,

We’re so disturbed.


We level accusations

As we hit out left and right,

Not even sure of the enemy

For the lack of light.


This Life is a Mist That Vanishes – Lift Up Your Eyes!


In the midst of our mist

When our nemesis is self,

We often blame everybody else

For our failing health.


Both spiritual and social,

For our mental and emotional,

Visibly shown in our expression

And in our physical.


In the midst of our mist

Like righteous Job of old

Who once was radiating warmth

Gradually becoming cold.


Throwing a pity party

For all who would attend

And engaging the eager reporters

From beginning to end.

Lessons from the Mist | Seminary Gal Lessons from the Mist | Making the  Theological Understandable 

In the midst of our mist

When friends become few

And not many are the persons

We thought we knew.


People who are hurting,

That is the “we” I mean,

When in the midst of our mist

Nothing is clearly seen.


Like some wounded animal

We are ready to lash out

And our once affirming tongue

Becomes a negative spout.


Quick to spread rumour

In the midst of our mist

And those with whom it is shared

Comprising a long list.


In the midst of our mist

Often empathy departs

And the twins, jealousy and envy

Occupy our hearts.


We share others’ sorrows

But their joys hurt us more

And invariably, as is our custom,

Grudge comes to the fore.


Our criticism is rife

Of another’s achievement

And we question its authenticity

With much resentment.


James 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You  are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.


In the midst of our mist

When we are not seeing well

We need an understanding friend

That we can tell.


Someone who’s been there

And can identify with us

And who will help us to see clearer

In the midst of our fuss.


Someone who will absorb

The shock of our story

And not share it with another

For posterity.


Someone who appreciates

His time will come too

And what he does for someone

For him another will do.

What's around the bend?


And I don’t mean Jesus

Though he is our best friend,

I mean that someone he will use

To get us round the bend.


For Jesus uses people

In the midst of our mist

Who will come not to cast blame

But to assist.


There go I

But for the grace of God,

Let him that thinks he stands

Take heed lest he fall.


Stewart Russell © June 4, 2024


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