Sunday, June 23, 2024

This Tongues Thing


What If I Can't Speak in Tongues?


A cut above the rest

Depending on the gift you get,

If it is prophecy or tongues

You are fairly well set.


Especially in these days

As we are coming to the end,

Prophecy is the gift that tells one

What is around the bend.


“Tongues” is a conversation

Between a person and God,

Nobody knows what was said

Including the one called.


No better informed

Are the listeners in this case

But everybody gets into the act

At least merely to save face.


It is a skill I have been told

That can easily be taught,

Open your mouth and believe

And the miracle is wrought.


I’ve heard of certain schools

That teach tongues by the phrase

And for a nominal fee, of course,

The learner would be amazed.



Speaking in Tongues: It's Easier Than You Think! - Terradez Ministries


It is very impressive

To hear a speaker of tongues,

Especially the very fluent ones

That are around.


Some will give a phrase

Others will go on for a while

Leaving the listener enchanted

As though a little child.


A sure sign of the Spirit

And for some, the only one,

If you’ve not spoken in tongues

You are not truly reborn.


I mean “born in the Spirit”:

“Experiencing the new birth”,

A work that comes from heaven

And experienced on earth.


If this is really the case

Then I would have to be lost,

Never have I spoken in tongues

Thus, I am short on the cost.



Speaking in Tongues: It's Easier Than You Think! - Terradez Ministries


I’ve no witness of the Spirit

If “tongues” is the witness

And like the unsaved non-believer,

I am still in sin’s mess.


This tongue thing is trouble

When taken out of context,

No wonder many Christian believers

Find life so complex.


They dabble in many things

That they do not understand

Rather than with faith in the Word

Stick to the divine plan.


If the charismatic giftings

Are causing us to focus on men

Then I dare say without apology

We have a huge problem.


If speaking in tongues

Puts us above all others

Then salvation is of no saving effect

And is become a bother.


 Corporate Prayer — Now Church NC


If you are representing me

Before the Lord’s throne,

Please speak in the English language

That from a boy I have known.


I mean no offence

And I genuinely say so long

But I get no spiritual upliftment

When you speak in tongues.


Stewart Russell © September 14, 2023

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