Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Spiritual Bullying


Spiritual abuse - Apologetics Index


Spiritual bullying!

Where can this be found?

In the church of course,

There is much around.


Mostly senior members,

Not necessarily in age

But with responsibility and clout

Re pulpit and stage.


They follow the Spirit,

At least, that’s what they say

And it matters not who’s in charge

They will have their way.


They alter the plan

Feigning the Spirit’s leadership

And they bully the congregants

And church membership.


Urging an emotive display

Of shouting and raised hands

And even the person in charge

Must heed their command.


Corbridge church clock goes automatic after 125 years - BBC News


The time is ignored,

Time consciousness is rebuked,

All had better fall into line,

Don’t dare refute.


Refusing to comply

Is being disobedient to God

Thus, therein lies the fear factor

When such a one calls.


It may be an apostle

A bishop or a pastor,

Or it could even be a worship leader

Or a prayer intercessor.


The Chair is ignored,

The programme is put on hold

And I wonder how such persons

Can be so bold.


You are forced to stand

As worship leaders lead

For sometimes close to an hour

While your feet plead.


Whether the old or the young,

It does not really matter

For if the seniors decide to sit down

They are blocked by the latter.


And if there is prayer

Immediately after this session

Depending on the intercessor

There could be more oppression.


O how I wish

We would do as assigned

Rather than take over the service

As if by design!


The people who planned

Planned with the Holy Spirit,

Who gives spiritual bullies the right

To just come and change it?


I know things can change

But this need not be the norm

The exception is enough,

Please be warned.


Follow the Spirit’s lead,

Don’t get me wrong

But don’t ignore the chairperson

And put him down.


You would not like it

If you were the chair person,

So, to claim the Spirit’s unction,

Is not a genuine reason.


What is Spiritual Abuse? - LifePoint Bible Study


Of spiritual bullies

You had better beware

But don’t be intimidated by them

And be driven by fear.


Spiritual bullying!

There is much around

And in virtually every church

It may be found.


Stewart Russell © April 30, 2024


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