Friday, June 21, 2024

Easily-Lost Salvation


Can a person Lose his or her Salvation?" 


A salvation that’s easily lost

Is no salvation at all,

Such a salvation is fickle even

And surely must be appalled.


A salvation that is earned

Can never be a gift,

Such would be recipient dependent

If you catch my drift.


A salvation that cost nothing

While available to all

Would be meaningless to most

And few would heed its call.


A salvation that cost a fortune

Straight-up, I’d be out

And only a meagre few would attain it

And this is without a doubt.


A salvation that is free

But that cost the giver his life

Cannot be an easily lost salvation

But one that conquers strife.


Four Reasons Why We Can't Lose Our Salvation


Yes, a so great salvation

As is mentioned in Hebrews 2

Comes with the wherewithal

To secure both me and you.


Yes, a so great salvation

Cannot be easily lost

For it was deliver to us by Christ

At an infinite cost.


It cost his precious blood

Spilled on a rugged cross,

Such a salvation cost too much

To be so easily lost.


Hence, why God’s offer

Is a total package,

And far beyond what any human

Is capable to manage.


Romans 8:16 The Spirit Himself Testifies With Our Spirit, 48% OFF


Thanks to the Holy Spirit

Who comes with this salvation

And indwells every Spirit filled believer

Compliments: God’s redemption.


It is maintenance free

And inspires the believer to live,

Such is the so great salvation

That God our Father gives.


It’s no easily lost salvation,

In fact, it can’t be lost at all

For it bears an irrevocable seal:

The seal of the Triune God.


Thus, not one born again soul

Can pry open Jesus’ hand

For having said yes to the Saviour,

We are under his command.


Some have a tendency to argue

The saved can be lost again

But this is a contradiction in itself

And must be considered lame.


Can a person Lose his or her Salvation?"


If the saved is easily lost

How many chances do we get

Before we run out of opportunities

And face eternal regret?


Born again how many times?

Two or three or even four?

Why, a person can only be born once

Need I say any more?


Do you know you are saved?

How many chances have you had?

If yours is a lotto salvation,

My friend, that is too bad.


Mine is not, I assure you,

It cannot be easily lost,

However, I glory not in an idle boast

But in the Christ of Calvary’s cross.


And so, I end as I began,

With the very first verse,

For if your salvation is easily lost

You’re still under the curse.


A salvation that’s easily lost

Is no salvation at all,

Such a salvation is meaningless

And surely must be appalled.


Stewart Russell © May 25, 2024


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