Monday, June 10, 2024

Relative Truth


 What is moral relativism and how can Christians respond?

If all truth is relative

Then this cannot be true

And so, relative to what, I ask,

And, wouldn’t you?


For anything to be true

There must be truth

And the mere fact I am typing

Must be essential proof.


But ignoramuses say

There is no absolute truth,

If this, in fact, is accurate,

Here is more proof.


If one says I only tell lies

Would you believe him?

I would like to say if you did

You’d be rather dim.


Time Signatures - Music Theory Academy - what is a time signature?


For that in itself

Would have to be also false

Somewhat like one dancing

To a two-four waltz.


Time Signatures - Music Theory Academy - what is a time signature?


If all truth is relative

Relative has to be true,

That to me is as clear as today,

Isn’t it to you?


Relative is high sounding

When used along with truth

But it makes as much sense to me

As talking to a goose.


the first-ever talking goose : r/comics


Where the goose plainly is

The propagator of such a lie,

Why on earth would I believe it?

Pray, can you tell me why?


Understand this, though,

This is how the scholastic think,

Not all of them, if you please,

Not all are over the brink.


Relative truth is folly

And defeats its very own claim

And if you seriously believe it

You must be insane.


It is like climbing a ladder

Where the bottom is the top

And when you get to the bottom

Then you suddenly drop.


Nonsense Sings Haxxer - YouTube


If you said, “Nonsense!”

Then you get what I mean,

Unlike the relative-truth scholars

We can be a team.


All truth is relative!

I ask, is relative to what?

If you cannot tell me to what,

It’s time that you stop.


Stop believing in a lie

That can never ever be true

For you will never convince me

Or even you.


Stewart Russell © October 22, 2023


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