Monday, June 17, 2024

Reformed Theology


The Calvin|Arminian Debate - Gary The Gospel Guy


Reformed Theology

What is it?

Let me state up front

I have my limit.


I am not too sure

How salvation works

Since I am neither a Calvinist

Nor Arminian expert.


What I do know

Is that salvation works,

I have the witness of the Spirit

Thus, I need no expert.


This is not a boast;

Certainly not in myself,

I am totally dependent on Christ

For my spiritual health.


It is he that assures

Through the Holy Ghost

That one is saved by grace

With no grounds to boast.


If any is in doubt

About God’s saving grace

Just remember troubled one,

Christ took our place.


If you have the witness

Of the faithful Holy Spirit

Then the saved life will show

As a daily habit.


The Calvin|Arminian Debate - Gary The Gospel Guy


A transformed life

Not of reformed theology

And not of Calvin or Arminius-

Sorry, no apology.


It may be healthy

To debate between the two

But both had to be born again

Like me and you.


The Nicodemus-lesson

Is relevant to all,

It is a God-given privilege

To receive God’s call.


You must be born again

Is the command given,

By faith one accepts Jesus Christ

And that one is forgiven.


One is not reformed

Rather, one is transformed

And to the image of the Christ

That one is conformed.


Romans 8:29


For whom he did foreknow,

He also did predestinate

To be conformed to the image of his Son,

That he might be the firstborn

Among many brethren.


“Among many brethren”

Here the elect is the focus;

The first born among the many

Being the resurrected Jesus.


The model, if you please,

Not that he was born again

But that we should be like him

And function in his name.


If this is reformed theology

I don’t even know,

These days it’s not to theologians

But to the Word I go.


Jesus is the Living Word

And the focus of the written,

God’s elect comprises all them

Whose sins are forgiven.


The Calvin|Arminian Debate - Gary The Gospel Guy


Neither Calvin nor Aminius

Matters much to me,

My desire is to be like Jesus

Whose face I shall see.


And when that time come

I shall see him just as he is,

Now, I see through a glass darkly

But in him I move and live.


Stewart Russell © May 16, 2024



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