Friday, June 07, 2024

It Is A No Apology

 Should Children Be Forced to Say Sorry? – Life in the Van 


An apology is not an apology

If it is forced,

Or “I am sorry I married you”

Before a divorce.


“You will not go out to play

Until you apologize.”

Followed by a terse “I am sorry.”

Not even disguised.


None of the foregoing three

Constitutes an apology,

Check them a little more carefully

And you would see.


People are made to apologize

Without seeing the need

But such is not an apology,

It is not indeed!


A heartfelt apology

Is where an apology is at,

Anything less is not an apology

And this is a fact.


There must be some remorse

And a little repentance too

Demonstrating that what was done

Was not a right thing do.


How To Rid Your Class of Fake Apologies | A Word On Third


“I can’t tell you how sorry I am”

Sounds genuine enough

But study what is truly being said

And you’ll find it’s a bluff.


An apology must be uttered

But this person is saying I can’t,

Thus, I have no regard for this one,

You may take a different stance.


If you can’t, well go your way

And come back when you can,

If you can’t tell me how sorry you are

It is just a sham.


Or perhaps you can start

By saying how sorry you are

But “I can’t tell you how sorry I am”

Is off the mark by far.


Children are sometimes punished

Until they apologize,

A word to teachers and parents

This is not wise.


 Should Children Be Forced to Say Sorry? – Life in the Van


If a child renders an apology

Because he is punished

Then the true meaning of an apology

Is severely diminished.


It is a “no apology”

Meaning, it is just empty words

And if you are getting me

You will no doubt concur.


A genuine apology

Is like begging for forgiveness,

It comes out of a contrite heart

That regrets the mess.


“If you don’t apologize

You will be out of work,”

What a lovely apology I would offer!

Out of work really hurts.


Forced control is no control

Forced apology is just a fake,

Apology you want, apology you get,

Thanks for a way of escape.


It is a no apology

Any apology that is forced,

Hence, I am likely to do as you ask

If this is my only recourse.


Stewart Russell © August 25, 2023


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