Saturday, June 29, 2024



Tropical Storm Beryl expected to become season's first hurricane


I knew quite a few Beryls

But none as threatening as this,

Given all the news we’re receiving

This Beryl tops the list.


She is storming right now

Heading directly for Bim

And by the time she reaches here

She’ll be a powerful wind.


A category 2 or 3 hurricane

Is no longer a storm,

It is looking quite grim right now

Fellow citizens, be warned!


Beryl is different, I tell you,

Coming this early in June,

Not veering north like most storms

But a southerly typhoon.


This Day in History: 22 September 1955 | NOW Grenada 


Like Janet in this regard

Way back in 1955

And the conditions in our waters

Causing her to thrive.


Here are two things to do:

Prepare and pray,

And as you do this for yourself

Help somebody in the way.


For there’s no guarantee

Even when you pray,

Trust God regardless of outcomes

For this is the best way.


Some will rebuke Beryl

And order her back to hell,

For those who will pray in this way

I can only wish them well.


This Beryl is not a friend

So do not take a chance

Believing prayer will turn her away

Or even halt her advance.


Notice how outside feels?

The calm before the storm?

Take it seriously, I would advise;

Again, I say be warned.


Those that often yearn

To experience a hurricane,

Beryl’s a chance you will this time;

She could be insane.


Hurricane Records, Numbers & Facts ...

A category 2 or 3 hurricane

Is nothing to long for,

Yearning to experiencing such

Is like inviting a war.


Beryl, I really wish

That you would stay away,

You’re nothing like any Beryl I knew

On any given day.


Your intent is to damage

While their intent was to help

But then again you can never feel

The way any Beryl felt.


Dear God


Dear God I now pray

For all within Beryl’s scope,

However grim things may seem

In You is our hope.


Protect us from Beryl,

From the scourge of her wind

And help us to trust in you, Lord,

Even as the light grows dim.


Help the elderly and sick

That are on their own

And be a comfort and companion

To those who are alone.


Thanks for these heads-up

Re this oncoming storm,

And help us to act in accordance

With having been warned.


This I ask in Jesus’ name

For all and sundry alike

And as we traverse this experience,

Order our steps aright.


Stewart Russell © June 29, 2024


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