Saturday, June 15, 2024

Let Scripture Interpret Scripture


Response: The Seattle Pacific University Magazine


We take the Bible literally

Whenever it suits our cause

But when it goes against the grain

We have reason to pause.


Suddenly, we say it is figurative

Even though it makes literal sense

And we switch between these two

Inconsistently now and then against.


We seldom have an open mind

Because we already know

And to change from that position

It would be a disconcerting blow.


Even when we are enlightened

We still stick to what we knew,

You see it is not about wrong and right

It is about the popular view.


Yet, we talk about revelation

The kind we have personally received,

For the most part, it’s extra-biblical

 But it is what we believe.


We would rather believe a vision

Or some personal prophecy

Than accept the literal sense of the Word

“Oh, that is not for me!”

Response: The Seattle Pacific University Magazine


We must read the word for ourselves

And let it show us the way,

It cannot mean something different

From what it actually says.


We are prone to great annoyance

When our positions are debunked,

It is like when our favorite boxer falls

And stays down for the count.


Here of lately I have struggled

With beliefs that I held dare,

Thank God, they were nothing fundamental

So I did not have to fear.


But they were important to me

 A part of my knowledge base,

So, when at first I had to question them,

It was not a pleasant taste.

Response: The Seattle Pacific University Magazine


At first, I vehemently resisted

Since they did not fit in with my sect

But I let scripture explain scripture

And could no longer reject.


When we study secular books

We understand by what the author say

But when we study the word of God

We switch to another way.


We jump straight to the figurative

And ignore the literal sense

And if we are apprised of our error

We indignantly take offense.

Response: The Seattle Pacific University Magazine


Let scripture interpret scripture

And always stick to the context,

Be careful not to yank out verses-

A text out of a context is a pretext.


Heed the Word before any other

Be tuned to the Spirit in the Word,

Consider the person and work of Jesus:

This is the purpose of God’s Word.


Stewart Russell © October 2019


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