Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Logical Absurdity


 Einstein believed in God | Einstein quotes, Einstein, Albert einstein


An oxymoron, you may say,

Is a logical absurdity

But it makes sense in a way

Even if it is lunacy.


The dumb and fallacious

Are not necessarily the same:

One may be deliberately so;

The other insane.


So that a logical absurdity

May appeal to both

Like the Big Bang for example

Of which atheists boast.


Let’s look at some examples

Of a logical absurdity,

I will start with the computer-

Awesome creativity!


Computer History for 1943


From the size of a room

To the now wide-spread PC,

Affordable to a few not long ago

Now accessible to many.


Created by a brain

That is far superior to its own

And over just a few decades,

Note how it has grown.


It was not the creation

Of some mindless entity

For to even believe such nonsense

Is logical absurdity.


Or take the intricacies

Of a single human cell

With all its DNA infrastructure

And the story it tells!


What is DNA and Why Is DNA Negatively Charged - An Overview


If you say random chance

And you do so seriously

Then I say such absolute idiocy

Must be a logical absurdity.


Yes, absurd and logical

At one and the same time

Must speak to some brilliant person

Who has lost his mind.


Whereas he has a brain

And whereas he thinks foolishly

Me thinks the evidence points

To a logical absurdity.


Brain Anatomy and How the Brain Works | Johns Hopkins Medicine


Then let us take the brain

Of a so-called moron,

Re such and the best computer

There is no comparison.


The information in a single cell

Is absolutely astounding

Far less the entirety of the brain

With its God-given wiring.


Darwin was logical

There is absolutely no doubt

But his first cause was an absurdity

And must be thrown out.


Thus, a logical absurdity

Is what evolutionists advance,

They get to where we are at

Via random chance.


 Random? By Chance? Improbable? | STANFORD magazine


The dice were set rolling

By an initiator known as chance,

Now you know the absurdity

That some will advance.


Now for the equation

And the solution to the problem

It will be baffling, I caution you,

To both adults and children.


To be logical and absurd

Equals a logical absurdity,

Evolution requires far more faith

Than God’s creativity.


Stewart Russell © September 21, 2023

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