Thursday, June 06, 2024

Coming Now


Strange Quotes - BrainyQuote


He said he was coming now

And he arrived on time,

It’s impossible not to have done so,

You must keep this in mind.


How oft have you fretted

And accused someone wrongfully?

Maybe up to this very day

Or better still, daily.


Follow this conversation!

It is not unfamiliar

However, I beg you to be careful

Before you label one a liar.


“Hi, where are you at?”

“Not far from where you are.

I am coming by you now.

You can look out for my car.”


Sounds familiar to you?

Oh yes! I have no doubt it does,

They are lighting up everywhere

Experience lightbulbs!


You’ve had this experience

I am definitely sure

And no doubt you will have it

Several times more.


Children regularly do it

And adults practice it too,

Thus, I have absolutely no reason

To try excluding you.


“Oh, he or she is a liar!

“I am coming now,” they say,

But sometimes don’t turn up

Until the next day.


I am putting it to you,

You have got it all wrong,

And what is even worse, my friend,

You’re both wrong and strong.


When was it he was coming?

Did he not say now?

And did he not arrive on time?

So, why the silly row?


You accepted “coming now”

For he told you so,

Never mind you were going somewhere

And then you couldn’t go.


“Coming now” is always on time

Whenever one arrives,

And it makes no use, I dare say,

Breaking out in hives.


English is the largest human tongue; its variety, subtlety, and irrational  idiomatic complexity make it possible to say things in English which cannot  be said in any other language.” - Kwize


It is specific, yet unspecific,

As to a particular time

For while the coming is unspecific,

Now is specific in your mind.


It is impossible, please note,

To arrive at the same now,

But you unthinkingly expect that person

To manage this somehow.


Push for a specific time

Regarding the coming of someone

For “now” is always the time

Be it night or dawn.


When you accept “coming now”

You accept whenever he comes

So, do have a most delightful day

And don’t look so dumb!


Stewart Russell © September 6, 2023


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