Thursday, July 04, 2024

Serious Responses Only


90 Percent of houses on Union Island severely damaged or destroyed by Beryl  – PM Gonsalves – One News SVG


I have some questions

I cannot answer,

Maybe you can, my friend,

But no silly banter.


Why does it appear

Barbados is always spared

And to other countries

We are compared?


Hurricanes come calling

And we get a brush

While others for some reason

Are thoroughly ambushed.


Destroyed homes, shattered infrastructure on Union Island after Hurricane  Beryl


Union Island is a mess

So too is Carriacou,

St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Jamaica

Just to name a few.


What is it we have

That these countries do not

That seemingly protects us

And acts as a block?


Do they not pray

Just like Barbadians do

And trust God to shield them

Like He does me and you?


Aren’t they His children

Like you and I?

So, why do they suffer such loss

And some even die?


I sometimes get a sense

Our time is not far away

And what others have suffered

We’ll experience one day.


It is true our fishing fleet

Has taken a bashing

And the storm surge from Beryl

Gave our coasts a lashing.


But this is nothing

Compare to elsewhere

Where some have been driven

To their knees in despair.


Most without shelter

In some countries

Where Beryl in her fierce anger

Decimated their properties.


90 Percent of houses on Union Island severely damaged or destroyed by Beryl  – PM Gonsalves – One News SVG


No water at the taps

And no electricity,

Only apocalyptic devastation

And abject misery.


What evil did they do

To be deserving of this

While we, on another occasion,

Had a relative miss?


Are we better than they

And more often pray?

Do we far more than they do

Walk in God’s way?


Is Satan’s evil hand

On them more than on us?

Are they more unrighteous ones there

That have rejected Jesus?


A Fish Story | If I Walked With Jesus


Jesus had fisher friends

With whom he communed

And on occasions rescued them

From peril and certain doom.


Why did he not protect

Our fishermen’s boats

But permit them like driftwood

In the water to float?


I refer you to Job

Who had questions too,

Back then he had no answers;

Tell me, do you?


Stewart Russell © July 3, 2024

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