Sunday, July 07, 2024

Condemned Already


John 3:18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has  been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only  begotten Son


Condemned already!

That is the default:

Numbered among the spiritual lame

And the spiritual halt.


Just like a computer

With its fixed programme,

That is the nature of humanity

The default of man.


He that believeth not

Is condemned already,

That is the spiritual default

Of all humanity.


As unjust as it may seem

That’s what the Bible declares,

According to John chapter 3

We can read it there.


Verse 18 to be exact

You’ll find the default right there

He that believeth not is condemned

That is clear.


Believe on the Lord Jesus

And you shall be saved.

Believe not and you’re condemned

No matter how well you behave.


And this is the condemnation

That light is come

But men love darkness,

From the light they run.


Can we override our default?

We can’t but Christ can

As long as we are willing

To accept his salvation plan.


As written in John 3:16

For every one of that can read,

There the plan of salvation

Is clearly revealed.


For God so loved the world,

That He gave His only begotten Son,

That whosoever believes in him

Should not perish,

But have everlasting life.


John 3:18 He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has  been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only  begotten Son


Condemned already!

That is the default

But ever since the second Adam

There can be a halt.


The application is Christ Jesus,

Download him today!

For in his very words

He won’t turn you away.


John 6:37


And him that cometh to me

I will in no wise cast out.


Stewart Russell © September 13, 2020


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