Friday, July 05, 2024

A theist and atheist


Atheist and a-theist. My inspiration for this article came… | by  Muralimanohar | Medium


A theist and atheist

Were having a conversation,

They argued backwards and forwards

In their fierce opposition.


Somewhat as in Parliament,

Argument after argument

Contending who’s wrong or right

With purpose and intent.


Now look at the two

And tell me what you see,

There is but one alarming distinction

As how it seems to me.


A theist and atheist:

Why, they are almost alike

But in between the ‘a’ and ‘t’

One is showing more light.


This should be expected

Since this one points to God,

Theos, as I recall in my little Greek,

To me says it all.


Seven distinct letters!

Not one is even repeated

But the idea of the Lighted One

Has the other defeated.


In the beginning God,

It’s God who created light,

Outside of Him is utter darkness

How can atheists be right?


 How to Make an Atheist and Theist Relationship Work


It’s a matter of matter

Atheists want us to believe,

No Theos is their assumption

Pseudo-science their reprieve.


But as reprieve suggests,

It’s only temporary

For when the light bulb lights up

It all points to the Almighty.


Matter explains everything:

So claims the atheist,

No God and no superior mind

But this I must resist.


A theist and atheist

On paper might look alike

But one of them is full of darkness

And one is full of light.


 Light of the World – Lossie Baptist Church


Recall the words of Jesus

Who said, “I am the light.”

How can a materialist or atheist

Even be considered right?


In the beginning

Matter came from nothing

And after matter was settled

It gave us everything.


High fives for matter

For then nothing matters,

To you and me it doesn’t matter

If we too came from matter.


From matter we came

Of matter we’ll always be,

No God to reverentially fear

And no accountability.


Reminds me of a jingle

We used to say at school,

Of course, in most of us back then

Was a little fool,


“No more Latin

And no more French,

No more sitting on St. Giles’ hard bench,

When de teacher ring de bell

Tek up yuh books and run like hell.”


This came at the end

Of every school term

And this was the vacation time

For which all of us yearned.


“No more Latin

And no more French,

No more sitting on St. Giles’ hard bench,

When de teacher ring de bell

Tek up yuh books and run like hell.”


If there is no Theos

And thus, no accountability,

Then let’s live however we please

Without restraint or worry.


For today we live

And tomorrow we die

And if I live the way I live today,

Who’s to ask the reason why?


Does Reason Lead to Atheism or Theism? | Podcast | Reasonable Faith


A theist and atheist

Are infinite poles apart,

The atheist sets store by matter

And matter has no heart.


Theists on the other hand

Believe in intelligent design

And so, beyond the material realm

Is an intelligent mind.


First cause of every cause

Including that of matter,

A theist makes abundant sense

Atheist is empty chatter.


Stewart Russell © May 7, 2024



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    1. After I had cogitated on this literary device through my metaphorical lenses combined with my metaphorical analysis, I gained a clearer understanding of Juxtaposition's characteristics at work and its potential to suggest the unworthiness of God's Love.Dr.William Anderson Gittens D.D.
