Sunday, July 21, 2024

Faith and Faith


What is the definition of faith? |


Of what faith are you

Is a question often asked

And depending on who you are

This is an easy task.


I am of the Wesleyan faith

Or I am an Anglican,

I am a Moravian or Catholic

Or even Presbyterian.


Faith meaning sect

Is one of the expressions

That quickly come to one’s mind

When asked this question.


I am of Apollos

And I am of Paul

Of Cephas and Christ

Or none of the above at all.


Like the Pharisees,

That were none of the above,

They were sectarian and apart

And full of self-love.


So, faith as in doctrine

Is one definition of faith,

I will hurry on to the next one

I’ve reserved for this space.


Faith as in believing

For something to happen,

The faith expressed in a prayer

When something threatens.


Mustard seed faith

That will result in a miracle,

The faith that moves mountains

Or whatever the trouble.


 15. Jesus Is God, Lord and Christ | Fundamentals of the Faith - YouTube


So, faith as in a doctrine

And faith as in belief

Hence, the faith and faith title

In this poetic brief.


Both are important

One more than the other

And if not properly understood

They can be a bother.


Faith in God’s Word

Meaning one’s faith in the faith

Is what we should aspire to

And this by God’s grace.


The faith as in the doctrine

Purported by the apostles

Who also walked with Christ

As his first disciples.


And afterwards, Paul

And Barnabas and Timothy

And all in the New Testament

That we can see.


We Gather Here A Study of 1 John 1, 2, ppt video online download


The apostle’s doctrine

Founded on Jesus the Christ

With Jesus the chief cornerstone

Does adequately suffice.


There is much dispute

In the church today

And many seek the miraculous

And keep doctrine at bay.


Sound doctrine I mean

As lived by the apostles

And this they have exchanged

For charismatic people.


Modern day apostles

And future telling prophets

Not necessarily based in the Word

They live to regret.


Emphasizing the gifts

While disregarding the Giver

And more or less placing faith

In a charismatic leader.


But faith is of no avail

If not placed in the faith

First given to the Bible apostles

That saw Jesus’ face.


We Have the More Sure Word of Prophecy — April 7th, 2018 - YouTube


A more-sure word of prophecy

Is how Peter put it,

One’s faith in this faith

Ought to be one’s daily habit.


To be like Jesus

This is the the faith to be,

Conformed to the image of Christ:

A reflection for all to see.


Stewart Russell © May 6, 2024


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