Monday, July 15, 2024

I know A Man

Who is in charge if both a will's testator and executor are deceased? |  Financial Post


I know a man who died

Having made out his will

And today he is forever alive

And he executes it still.


A will becomes active

At the benefactor’s death

And he knows absolutely nothing

Since he is at rest.


He knows not

If his request is honoured

Since he has been interred

And is six feet under.


He makes up the will

But cannot execute it,

Somebody that he has chosen

Directs its edict.


This is the norm

As it relates to any will,

It happened in the distant past

And is occurring still.


Well, with one exception

And this is a fact,

A man was actually put to death

And he came back.


He had made out a will

And put it in his father’s hand

And he returned from the dead

As was his father’s plan.


Who is in charge if both a will's testator and executor are deceased? |  Financial Post


He is the testator

And also, the executor,

The author of eternal salvation

And my Saviour.


I know a man who died

Having made out his will

And today he is forever alive

And he executes it still.


The whosoever will

He has included in his will

And invites all to come to him-

Come now as he bids.


Everyone that does

Instantly becomes an heir,

An heir of eternal salvation-

The Bible makes it clear.


All because one man

Wrote and executed his will,

Jesus is that testator in whom

His will is fulfilled.


The Living... on Tumblr: Revelation 1:18 (NKJV) I am He who lives, and was  dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of  Hades...


I was dead, he says

But am alive forevermore

And if one seeks eternal life

I alone am the door.


If any man enters by him

He shall be saved,

This is the promise to all

Who eternal life crave.


I know a man who died

Having made out his will

And today he is forever alive

And he executes it still.


Yes, Jesus bequeathed it

He died to enforce it 

He ever lives to ensure it:

Salvation's edict!

We are his beneficiaries

He is our benefactor

Signed with his shed blood,

Jesus, our Saviour.


Stewart Russell © March 7, 2024


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