Sunday, July 28, 2024

Prophesying in Part

1 Corinthians 13:9 KJV - For we know in part, and we prophesy in


Let’s not get mixed up here

As some are wont to do,

This is not about false prophecy

Which never comes true.


The study of God’s Word

Ought to be a life-long endeavour,

It is God’s love letter to us

Of inestimable treasure.


Not even the most brilliant

Has a full grasp of God’s Word,

Even among the earliest apostles

This was unheard.


There is fore-telling

And there is telling forth

But it is prophesying future events

Of which many boast.


Download Sixty, 60, Percent. Royalty-Free Stock Illustration Image - Pixabay


Some boast of 60% accuracy

Some boast a little bit more,

For some even 30% is allowable-

Though extraordinarily poor.


The Law was very harsh

On so-called fore-tellers,

If their prophecies did not come true

They were seen as liars.


Death was their reward

According Deuteronomy 18,

However, modern day prophets

Don’t fear such a scene.


“We know in part

And we prophesy in part”

Is now used by so-called prophets

With impure hearts.


An excuse for lying

That they had heard from God

When they themselves truly know

They hadn’t heard at all.


That which comes true

Is the prophesying in part

And these prophets must be forgiven

From the very start.


1 Corinthians 13:9 KJV - For we know in part, and we prophesy in


For they only know in part

And they prophesy in part

And the fact they are not perfect

Must be taken to heart.


So, while they quote the Word,

Their motive is wrong

And they make matters even worse

By being wrong and strong.


As you tell forth, my friend,

Rightly divide the word of truth,

Precept upon precept, line upon line

Must be the abiding proof.


Jeremiah 23: 16-17 | False prophets, Jeremiah 23, Word of god


We do prophesy in part

And this is relative to one’s light

But speaking when God did not speak

Is definitely not right.


Beware of false prophets

Is the caution to all,

Such seek to glorify themselves

Rather than God.


Stewart Russell © May 12, 2024


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