Friday, July 19, 2024

It Takes a Lot


GodScream! God is Not Going to Cry | by Brandon Foster | Medium


It takes a lot, I have noticed

To move the Almighty God,

It’s almost like begging the Government

To respond to an urgent call.


A lot of prayer is requested

And nowadays they have to shout

And as if all of this were not sufficient

They must get warriors with clout.


Intercessory prayer

Meaning on someone’s behalf

Just like the High Priest in Bible times

Interceded for Israel past.


Then they sacrificed animals

To temporarily expiate sin

But now as individuals Jesus invites

All and sundry to come to him.

 50 Overwhelming Benefits of Being IN CHRIST - TruthInk Publications

We seem not to understand

Our standing in Jesus Christ

And that his indwelling Holy Spirit

More than satisfies.


Thus, it often puzzles me

As to whom we are praying,

It really cannot be God Almighty

Given what we are saying.


For oft in the midst of praying

We turn to address the Devil

Commanding him to do this and that

And remind him of his peril.


We send him back to hell

From where he apparently came

And demand he remove his filthy hand

From all in Jesus’ name.


A conversation with Satan!

Intercessors revel in this

While losing focus of the Almighty God

And lots of benefits miss.


Peace of mind, for sure

With the comfort that He gives,

As well as the wisdom and understanding

By which we daily live.


God Isn't Shouting | Watchmysign


We go to the intercessors

And then they shout at God,

Meanwhile we stand and noisily agree

And sometimes someone falls.


Desperate circumstances

Require desperate measures

Hence, we rant and rave and carry on

To unlock God-given treasures.


It really takes a lot

At least, that’s how it appears

To get the Almighty God to respond

To His children and their cares.


  High Priest of Israel Part Two: From Eli to Zadok – Who? | A Knight of The  Word


It was not so with Eli

Or with Aaron or Samuel,

  It was not so with the disciples

Or any of the apostles.


Why must it be so, I ask,

With modern day intercessors?

Why must they come over so harshly

Behaving like oppressors?


Somewhat known

For their lengthy prayers

Other services become prayer meetings

Overburdened with cares.


Oh, that it could be similar

Regarding the study of the Word,

No doubt many would consider this

Somewhat absurd.


 A Message From God's Holy Word" - YouTube


Lord, give us a passion

For your Holy Word

That our prayers would align with you

And with your Word concur.


Prayer is very important

And none should deny this

But at no time should it come over

Like a shopping list.


Neither should it be a noise

As in quarrelling with God

Demonstrating to all within earshot

God hears when we bawl.


Trusting God Through It All – Trusting God Through It All


There will be times in our life

When the heat will be hot

But having an empathetic Father

Is the believer’s lot.


Isaiah 65:24


And it shall come to pass,

That before they call, I will answer;

And while they are yet speaking,

I will hear.


God hears and answers prayer

Is the promise to the born again,

Praise Him in all your circumstances

And bless His Holy name.


Stewart Russell © May 22, 2024


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