Monday, July 22, 2024

God’s Foreknowledge




Did you always know

What you now know?

If every iota of it

Please show!


Do you now know

What you will know?

Well, if you already do,

How is this so?


Foreknowledge is knowing

Past, present and future,

Every iota of it:

The total picture.


Not just a part of it

But the entire volume,

Very unlike any human being

Who must assume.


So, I ask again,

Did you always know

What you now know?

Please show!


Do you now know

All you will ever know?

Well, if you already do

How is this so?


But God does:

Both future and past

And He is the only one

In His unique class.


The unit set

They would say in Math:

The only one to be found

In such a class.


This is not dumb!

Someone has to be

And He has to be omnipotent

To create all we see.


Infinite knowledge

With wisdom to boot

With never ever an occasion

To utter, “Oh, shoot!”


A mild admission

Something is wrong

But with the Almighty God

This does not belong.


God's Foreknowledge & Man's Free Will As Seen From A Compatibilist's Point  Of View – Thinking It Out & Thinking It Through


Not a single mistake

Has God ever made,

It is beings with choice

That always have failed.


Lucifer in heaven

Adam and Eve on earth,

Both yearning to satisfy

Their lustful thirst.


But God is love

And love permits choice,

That is, to obey or disobey

The lover’s voice.


Love is not withheld

By what can happen

And neither was God’s love

When Satan threatened.


 Ten Bible Verses that Delineate the Foreknowledge of God


God knows

What He always knew,

Nothing is hidden from Him

All’s within His view.


So, if you know

What you always knew

Then you would have to be God-

That’s a logical view.


But only God knows

What He always knew,

Therefore, let all men be liars

And let God be true.


No knowledge

Outside of God’s knowledge,

Foreknowledge in a narrow sense

Is God-given knowledge.


Stewart Russell © May 15, 2024


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