Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No More Offspring

Dysfunctional family - Wikipedia


No more offspring?

Is it a fertility problem?

No, far from this, my friend,

An officer joined them.


What kind of officer?

A marriage officer,

Do you mean a Reverend?

No, a legal officer.


Why no more offspring?

Pray, tell me why,

It’s as straightforward as this:

A guy married a guy.


No more offspring

In a same sex marriage,

No matter how often they cohabit

Or expertly manage.


Two of the same

Cannot offspring produce,

It is the most foolproof strategy

To keep populations reduced.


Barbados Resources | The Parent Lobby


It was family planning

To keep the numbers down,

The contraceptives worked well;

Fewer children around.


With two of the same

There is no problem at all,

The number would definitely stop

Rather than just fall.


A foolproof strategy

To quickly depopulate

And in addition to the many wars,

At an alarming rate.


Alarming for some,

Very satisfying for others,

Gay marriages will be a problem

One way or another.


Not all will go this way

Thank God for this,

But this way, it has been proven,

Is fraught with risks.


Not so much the women

As much as the men,

Medical science has revealed

Its many problems.


Sperm Banks - Semen Analysis Solutions - Medical Electronic Systems


Adoption will increase

And no doubt sperm banks

And females will bear fetuses

For every Bill and Frank.


Mary and Jane

Will have theirs too

But no generation of offspring

Between a same two.


Stewart Russell © July 9, 2024


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