Wednesday, July 24, 2024

By Name and Nature


Willy-Nilly - Origin & Meaning


Let me introduce myself

My name is Willy…

Actually it is Willy-Nilly

Come on now don’t be silly!


I am particularly well known

Especially in these days,

In some form or another

I influence most people’s ways.


Randomness is my specialty

I am not specifically focused

And often I am accused

Of playing hocus-pocus.


Lotto is akin to my nature

And I like blind-man cricket,

I play the numbers game

That’s how I protect my wicket.


I am Willy-Nilly

And that by name and nature,

By now if you’ve been thinking

You’ve probably seen my picture.


I operate in Parliament

And I function in the church

And in both of these institutions

I leave people in the lurch.


I am seen in every job

In positions high and low,

I encourage a lot of guesswork

And I hate when things flow.


Willy-Nilly - Origin & Meaning


I am ad hoc and haphazard

And very off and on,

Yes I am Willy-Nilly

Inconsistency is my norm.


I don’t think through a matter

I am hasty and impromptu,

I am a lucky-dip kind of person

And often don’t have a clue.


I am easy to implement

I thrive on a whim and fancy

And a glance at my disposition

Reveals I am very chancy.


I may disappoint today

But could be a hit tomorrow

Or today’s satisfaction

Could be tomorrow’s sorrow.


I am like the weather

Kind of perhaps or maybe,

By now you should have seen

Why they call me Willy-Nilly.


I am present in your life

In the hurried things you do,

I am your everyday consultant

Your counselor and attorney too.


I open and close at random

No fixed business times at all,

Morning, noon or night

At any time you can call.


Willy-Nilly - Origin & Meaning


Willy-Nilly, that is it

By name and by nature,

You will find me in every directory

And every daily newspaper.


I have made much money

And you can make some too,

If you want a Willy-Nilly experience

Just call me up, won’t you?


Stewart Russell © April 2019


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