Friday, July 12, 2024

Serious Prayer

 The Serious Call for God's People (National Day of Prayer Message 2013) |  Russell Outside


Sometimes when we pray

We make fun

For only serious prayer

Can get things done.


You may wonder

Why I am saying this,

It came from something I heard

That you missed.


It was a prayer request

I heard at a church

So, if you did not hear it

Don’t let this hurt.


There was a need I gather

For very serious prayer,

Now don’t waste precious time

Trying to find out where.


Where is not the issue

It is serious prayer,

That all prayer should be serious,

I thought this was clear.


It was no small fry

But the leader of the church,

Serious prayer is for serious matters

For prayer to work.


 Learn to Fellowship and Coordinate, and Follow the Spirit and the Saints in  the Body


Re church membership

Some won’t qualify,

Some are less comely than others

And would be denied.


Here is a concern

That worries me quite a bit,

If a particular prayer is not serious

Then what is it?


To whom, I ask,

Is such a prayer prayed

And would such a not serious prayer

To God be okay?


At times we say things

That we do not mean

And what we say can be a bother

If the intent is not seen.


It pays to be on cue

And to say what we mean

Because our miscommunication

Can cause an ugly scene.


If a matter requires prayer

It must be serious prayer

For there’s only one kind of prayer;

This is serious prayer.


Stewart Russell © July 8, 2024


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