Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Path of Destruction


Hurricane Beryl weakens slightly on trek through Caribbean Sea | Tracking  The Tropics |


Beryl seems on a mission

And she’s on a rampage,

Picking out Caribbean territories

For alarming damage.


Starting at Barbados

And moving on through,

Delivering a most brutal assault

On the isle of Carriacou.


These loving people

In a most hospital land

Set aside for massive destruction:

Seemingly Beryl’s plan.


Scarcely a house left

With a full roof intact,

Beryl, like a rampaging army,

In mode of attack.


Money and investments

Gone down the drain,

Economies of these countries

Under greater strain.


Hurricane Beryl damages boats and docks in Barbados |


Barbados’ fishing industry

And Carriacou’s building stock

Are two glaringly stark examples

Of Beryl’s destructive knock.


A knock on the door

As in the Barbados case

But a pommeling and hammering

Of Carriacou’s place.


Affecting the island chain

In different ways

Beryl makes her destructive path

Holding sway.


Millions of dollars

Billions not unthinkable-

Damage to be done in a single week!

It’s unimaginable!


Hurricane Beryl weakens slightly on trek through Caribbean Sea | Tracking  The Tropics | 


Now you see what I mean

By Beryl’s on a mission!

Undeterred by any force or agent

In her path of destruction.


Now headed for Jamaica

As though carrying a list

Of all the Caribbean territories

She’s assigned not to miss.


And after Jamaica

It’s the isles of Cayman,

Beryl has taken on personality

With a designated plan.


I suppose this is a thought

For the conspiracy theorists

Who believe somebody is behind

All these considerable risks.


A malevolent agency

Bent on the mass destruction

Of earth’s perceived undesirables:

The aim of their mission!


Understanding Climate Change vs. Global Warming - SnowBrains


We hear of climate change

And of global warming

And many in the Church believe

It’s an end-time warning.


I wouldn’t dare pretend

To know a lot about this

For the older I am becoming

The more I miss.


But what I do know

Is what I am actually seeing,

That is, the absolute havoc

Beryl is wreaking.


Bent on her mission

Regarding her path of destruction

Beryl is under no pretension

Of her evil intention.


Like a few before her

She has a personality

That is poisonous and destructive,

Changing reality.


Before Beryl strikes

All is relatively well

But after Beryl’s visitation

It is like total hell.


Hurricane Beryl Leaves Destruction and Death in Its Wake; Hurricane Warning  Issued for Jamaica; Coastal Flood Advisory for St. Croix


And so, I will end this

Somewhat like how I began,

I am under no delusion

Regarding Beryl’s plan.


Her bent is destruction

Of any in her track

And from all we have seen so far

This is a fact.


I pray for God’s mercy

On those yet to be hit

For Jamaica and Cayman Islands

And all in Beryl’s remit.


May you find consolation

Amidst all you endure

And may Christ be stablished in you

More and more.


Stewart Russell © July 3, 2024


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