Saturday, May 07, 2022

On A Leash


Colossians 2:15 When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a  public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.


Here is a truth

That I dare to believe

And you will find it in God’s Word

You can go there and read.


It was there all along

Though interpreted away

By some genuine and otherwise

In our daily spiritual fray.


The main characters involved

Are Jesus and Satan,

They both have a domain

Referred to as their kingdom.


One is the kingdom of light

The other of darkness,

Satan’s subjects are cursed

While Jesus’ are blessed.


Satan’s subjects are bound

Because he is bound,

Think about this a little

As in your mind it resounds.


The main point of this discourse

Is that Satan is chained

And if you are bound with him

You are to blame.


Jesus offers freedom

To whomsoever would believe,

Salvation has been given

I can testify that I have received.

A better walk: Training dogs not to lunge, growl, and pull on a leash

Satan is on a leash

This is what I dare to believe,

Anything contrary to this

And such believers are deceived.


His going about as a lion

Is a straightforward simile,

He can’t deceive the child of God

Meaning you and me.


For we are Jesus’ sheep

And we know his voice,

Come on my brother, my sister

Now is the time to rejoice.


Jesus led captivity captive

When he ascended on high,

Hence, that Satan is bound

Cannot be realistically denied.


The Pharisees accused Jesus

Of being in tandem with Satan,

You would recall in Matthew 12

When he cast out those demons.


If that were the case

Satan’s kingdom would be divided,

Therefore, how would it stand?

The Pharisees he chided.


Jesus entered Satan’s domain

And fettered him in chains

And thereafter spoiled his goods

So that Satan is now restrained.


That is the only way, says Jesus,

That he could spoil his goods,

Hence, Satan had to be bound

And to do such, only Jesus could.


Jesus spoiled principalities

And made of them an open show,

There is no doubt the devil is bound

Why, even Satan knows.


Satan is like a mongrel

That’s been placed on a leash

And like the dog he keeps much noise-

His barking has never ceased.


Therein lies his deception,

His lies are in his bark

And one day too that will be taken

And to hell’s pit he will depart.


Like the dog he will bite

If to him you draw too near

But if you dare to resist him

You will have nothing to fear.


Jesus has triumphed over him

And will never lose a battle,

So, my brother, my sister, have faith!

Let not your heart be rattled.


Stewart Russell © May 2020


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