Wednesday, July 04, 2018

When God Doesn’t Understand

I am sure you have been here
“Where?” You ask.
Right where you are now
Facing a real up hill task.

And they say God is around
“Where?” you ask once more.
Right where you are now
Just like He always was before.

“Don’t kid me,” you say.
“I’m not in the mood for joking,
‘Cause if He is
He lacks genuine understanding.

He sure doesn’t understand
If indeed He has a plan
And it can’t be anything grand
If it can’t relieve this man.

What good is God to me
If He cannot understand
Or even show that he does?
Why, He is no more than a man.

For right now the way I feel
Is that God lacks understanding
And certainly can’t grant to me
What my situation is demanding.”

Cool your heals my brother,
The mere fact you’re still here
Shows that God understands
Or you would long have disappeared.

See that talk you just put down
And the fact that you’re still around!
It is enough to make God frown!
You would have to be a clown…

To have said all you just said
And still here ‘cause you’re not dead;
This says God understands
And that His heart is not made of lead.
If anyone had a reason
To believe God didn’t understand
Surely it must be Jesus, His Son
When He came to earth as a man.

As a matter of fact you’d recall
He even cried to let the cup pass
But resigned to Father’s will
And to a cross was nailed at last.

Like you he could have said
God doesn’t understand
But he knew only too well
That this was God’s divine plan.

Man’s wisdom is folly to God
Who sees all and knows all,
The whole picture lies bare before Him
And he never makes a wrong call.

While it seems He doesn’t understand
That is only in the mind of man
Whose shortsightedness regarding life
Is a defect common to the human clan.

If we understood all that God does
We would be just like Him
But alas this could never be
Because of the awful state of sin.

Sin is exacerbated by selfishness
Which blinds us to the need of others,
Putting ourselves first in everything
And nothing else becomes a bother.

Such that we don’t understand
But eventually blame God
And such an accusation
Is spurted on by Satan, the Fraud.

The truth be told God understands
He must; after all He is not a man,
Back in eternity He devised a plan
And implemented it on a set time span.

Creation was at the beginning
God’s judgment comes at the end
So if you feel God doesn’t understand
You are sadly mistaken my friend.

One last thing I should tell you
Something I am sure you know,
There is no better friend than God is,
My Bible tells me so.

While I may not understand
He has worked it all out for me,
All I need do is trust Him
And on Him depend totally.

My misunderstanding will pass away
With the coming of the end
There and then I will understand
Why He chose to call me His friend.

In the meantime I’ll ride it out with Him
For there is no better choice
And as I face the storms ahead
I’ll listen calmly to His voice.

That voice that soothes me in my anger
That cools me during the heat
And tells me all I need do with my problems
Is to place them at His feet.

He doesn’t understand I hear you say
In Him you need to trust,
In trusting the way becomes quite clear
When God takes away our fuss.

You’ll understand it better by and by
God understands it all today,
From the beginning He saw to the end
He is qualified to lead the way.

Stewart Russell © September 2017

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