Thursday, July 26, 2018

A Man on A Mission

Sharing the Good News – Peace Be With U

Let me narrate to you a story true
Of a man that went on a journey,
There were many stops that had to be
But he reached the end eventually.

It was an urgent mission he undertook
It was full of intrigue and mystery,
With eyes on the goal as he went along
He walked the course resolutely.

His time was measured; he hadn’t much
Yet the stops were many and varied,
He responded to all and missed not one
As people called on him incessantly.

Not reasonable I say given the urgency
Of this journey and its demanding goal
But finish he must and that he did
It’s the end to which he was sold.

I won’t take the time to tell of the stops
Each one as it unfolded was a task,
Nor would I detail the conversations
Or the many questions that people asked.

But this I would say as I continue
Every stop he made involved someone,
Not one that called did he over look
He met each need before he was gone.

He never complained how short a day
Nor mentioned the moments too few,
Never did he lag behind a timeline
Even though he had a difficult crew.

Nothing or no one could him deter
Focused on the goal he was set
Yet he stopped when a need arose
And took time to see the need was met.

“Mission impossible!” I hear you say,
“No way a human could achieve such,
Even if he were human like you or me
He would have to be God as much.

But pray tell what was the mission?
What was the goal he was so bent upon
That still he could stop to meet the needs
Of fathers, mothers, daughters and sons?”

In such behavior, for us there is a lesson
A lesson we should never ignore,
That is when in pursuit of our life’s agenda
Reach out to others: reach out some more.

Back to the mission you asked about
Concerning the goal of this man,
A cross at Calvary was his unenviable aim
And thus complete redemption’s plan.

And as he proceeded towards that goal
There was much opposition he met
But he dealt with them as only he could
Though his counsel caused much regret.

“It is finished!” the shout from the cross
The journey had come to an end,
The cry of the vanquished some believed
But a victorious signal he did send.

His life for all mankind is the pattern
He should be the object of our trust,
Now you can see it as clear as the day
The man on that journey was Jesus.

By now you know the story well
How he left heaven, destination earth
But more than a story this journey tell
It told of the Messiah of humble birth.

Yet relevant to the rich and poor
To Kings and shepherds all the same,
Concerning the message of salvation’s plan
Angels sang glory to the Saviour’s name.

Now we too can complete the mission
As we journey forth each day
And help some one as we walk along
And tell them about Jesus on our way.

Stewart Russell © October 2017

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