Sunday, July 15, 2018

Take Warning!

A few of them would stop
But then they would pass me by,
Later I would hear the commotion
Then all I could do was sigh.

Some would stop to inquire
I would take time to explain
But on they would go in a hurry,
That would bring me angst and pain,

Some would stop for a while
As though trying to make up their mind
Then they would go right past me
Easing through behind.

I tried as much as I could
To give them a better warning
But the darkness all around
Made it more alarming.

Some were coming at great speed
And didn’t see me till too late,
Before I could give adequate warning
They’d passed on to their inevitable fate.

I thought I should block that road
But nothing there could find
Along that darkened roadside
To give sight to the erring blind.

My task was not an easy one,
There were others there before me
But I was the last one to take over,
It was my time to make the plea.

They had completed their time you see,
Now this shift was up to me,
To do as they did I also must
Be that roadblock for all to see.

The risk you could well imagine
To my wellbeing, to life and limb
But I must warn them of the disaster
That awaited each of them.

A few of them did stop,
They reversed and turned around,
This brought a fleeting smile to my face
And for a moment replaced the frown.

But the majority just ignored me
Trying to knock me out of the way,
They were bent on their agenda
 And didn’t want to hear what I had to say.

Like them I too was on that journey
I was one that stopped a while,
Then, I was very much undecided
For this was cramping my style.

One voice urged me to go on
Another said give a listening ear,
Well, I finally heeded the latter
And punched in my reverse gear.

Now as one had done for me
I was here to do for another
On this dark and lonely roadside
To warn of the impending danger.

Maybe you are wondering
On which road this had taken place
And why so many had refused
To heed the warning with haste.

But I assure you right now
This road may be one near you,
You may be speeding right for it
Its peril hidden from your view.

If perchance you see someone like me
Give to him a listening ear,
Don’t just bore right by him
Feeling you have the all clear.

Jesus allows U-Turns
But time is running out
Before from heaven he descends
With the trump and that resounding shout.

Then there will be no time
To beat a hasty retreat,
The Supreme Judge of all the earth
Is the one whom you will then meet.

Heed the warning now, I urge,
Heed the admonition I repeat,
Take Jesus on board your life today
And a smiling Saviour you will greet.

Stewart Russell © October 2017

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