Saturday, June 20, 2020

Which Church?

PA100004-Whitepark Wesleyan (Pilgrim)Holiness Church Barba… | Flickr

“I hear the church shut down
They could o’ do that ever since,
They aren’t serving much purpose
And they don’t make any sense.

They have ulterior motives;
Money is everything,
They faithfully support their leaders
So they can have a fling.

So as far as I am concerned
The church could remain shut down,
Much of its activity, anyhow,
Only causes me to frown.”

I hear you loud and clear
Your position appears to be strong,
No doubt many support you
But you are so wrong.

I have a question for you
Because I see your ignorance,
On which church, I ask,
Are you basing your stance?

Home -

Is it the one you see
As you daily commute?
Like the ones that populate Barbados
Almost too varied to compute?

Well, here is our signal difference
Please hear me well,
Your church is a building;
It is on this point you fell.

If that were the church
We would be most miserable,
No wonder the ones who hold such
Are a dissatisfied people.

Lodge Road Wesleyan Holiness Church - Wesleyan Barbados

That’s why they complained
When the buildings were closed
And felt there was some hidden agenda
That needed to be exposed.

And even if there were,
What would it really have mattered
Besides the startling fact
That it would be empty chatter?

I may be flying over your head
So let me come in and land
Since the purpose of this discourse
Is to help you understand...

That the church can’t be closed
By any woman or man,
The church I am speaking of
Is a Divinely conceptualized plan.

Colossians 1:18 Jesus Is The Head Of The Body (black)

It is the bride of Christ,
For which he gave his life,
You would recall his crucifixion:
His ultimate sacrifice.

The temple was destroyed;
Don’t replace it with an edifice,
For however grand it might look,
There is much you would miss.

It is not a building, my friend,
That houses the church
But the temple of a born-again believer
As the Apostle Paul exhorts.

Which church, I ask again,
Now that you are better informed?
By now you should realize
That there is only one.

It is not a church building
Like you thought before,
And no Government authority
Can close its door.

Matthew 16:18 Inspirational Images

Jesus is building his church
One believer at a time
And it comprises all those believers
Whose hearts to him are inclined.

Stewart Russell © June 2020