Friday, May 10, 2024



Unemployment rate in Barbados drops | The Habari Network


Heard one just recently

That I thought was very funny,

It had to do with unemployment:

A remark rather silly.


I have a strong feeling

That you will not believe me,

Part of the problem with unemployment

Had to do with retirees.


I read in a local tabloid

That retirees were unemployed

Thus, pushing unemployment up-

What a deceptive ploy!


It is rather silly to me

Since I am also a retiree

But understand, my appreciated reader,

I am not that silly.


Fitting tyres: A few things need to be considered when mounting tyres on  rims | Barum


Some retire to retyre;

Definitely not so in my case,

When retired well-to-do are reemployed

I see it as a disgrace.


A disgrace and an insult

To the bright upcoming youth

That are employable but unemployed-

Therein lies the truth.


Many are languishing at home

That are highly qualified

But their applications for employment

Are constantly denied.


I heard an explanation

That built up in me defiance,

While these youth were well qualified

They had no work experience.


One must have work experience

In order to be employed,

This to many a University Graduate

Must be a real kill-joy.


1971 -


Picture such happening to me

In the year 1971,

All like now I would be unemployed

With all my hopes gone.


The unemployed really

Are people looking for employment,

Not the indolent or the parasitic

Who any idea of work resent.


Can you actually believe

Part of the unemployed are retirees?

That is as silly as cement plants

Growing into trees.


Tell this present Government

When they are distributing jobs

 That if they should identify any for me

I would find that rather odd.


Stewart Russell © May 9, 2024 


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