Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Just to Think


SIMAMELE - Don't think about it, just take a second!


To think that the King of kings

Dwells within my heart,

To think that the Lord of lords

Gave me a brand-new start…


To think that the Almighty God

Is my all in all,

To think that on Abba Father

I can always call…


To think that the one I offended

Gave His life for me,

To think that through His sacrifice

I have been made free…


To think that He walks with me

And he holds my hand,

To think that I am His child

And he includes me in His plan…


To think that everything about me

Is important to Him,

To think that he has forgiven me

Of all of my sin…


To think that he calls me by name

His name He has given me,

To think He has made me somebody

When I was a nobody…

SIMAMELE - Don't think about it, just take a second!

To think that He cares for me

Each and every single day,

To think He points me in the right way

Every time I go astray…


To think that His love is infinite

And His mercies are everlasting,

To think His grace reaches even me

And in Him I am abiding…


To think that He has a plan for me

And that He will complete it,

To think that He is so faithful

That trusting is my daily habit…


To think that He’ll return for me

Whether I am alive or dead,

And to think that while I live here

He is my Living Head.


Just to think that God is my Father

And Jesus is my Lord,

Just to think the Spirit guides me

And I have His Holy Word.


Just to that think I do not merit it

Yet He lavishes His love on me,

Just to think that as He promised

I am His eternally.


Stewart Russell © October 30, 2020


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