Sunday, May 19, 2024

Spiritual Growth


spiritual growth — SERMONS — Trinity Church of the Nazarene



We have heard quite a lot

Concerning spiritual growth

And there are some among us

That make a boast.


They speak of many exploits

On the battlefield

As though their performance

Gains them heaven’s seal.


Some pray a whole lot

Certainly, more than I do

And they believe that much prayer

Is what gets them through.


And still others I know of

Are very steep in the Word

And they can explain most anything

Both heard and unheard.


But none of these, I tell you,

Though spiritual components,

Comprise a summary of spiritual growth

For the Christian adherent.


In my early years in teaching

I was introduced to the following

That “Learning changes behavior”

Was a fundamental maxim.


This became my pivotal lens

For observing student-progress,

It was manifested by their behavior

In their assessment tests.


Palmer Batting Lab 1 to 1 cricket coaching


Coaches use this too

To determine a player’s grasp

Re the coaching techniques employed

In a particular task.


This became more meaningful

When in the Bible I saw

Colossians 1 verses 9-11:

The Spiritual Growth Law.


You can go there now

And read the same for yourself,

Just dust the old Bible off

After you take it off the shelf.


I find especially these days

That dust is on the move,

In its movement and settlement

It can clog up the grooves.


In this scriptural reference

You will certainly find

A definitive spiritual growth cycle

You can use every time.


What Is a Knowledge Base? – With a Definition, Uses and Mistakes to Avoid


In verse 9 is knowledge

Which is a critical component

But which in itself means little,

If not used with wisdom.


You can recite the whole Bible

From cover to cover

But without Holy Spirit's wisdom,

You still won’t be clever.


It is knowledge plus wisdom

That brings about insight,

Yes, the aha moment, my friend,

That suddenly looms bright!


“I did not see this before!”

You are most likely to exclaim

When knowledge, the unexplained,

Meets wisdom, the explained.


But that’s not all there is

Re the combination of these two,

We have got some way to go

Before we can be through.

Consider Understanding – AAC Community  

I used the word insight

Just about three verses above

And this word means understanding

Which forms the spiritual hub.


"And with all thy getting

Get understanding!"

The counsel of the wise Solomon

As he developed its meaning.


Proverbs 4:7


Wisdom is the principal thing;

Therefore, get wisdom:

And with all thy getting

get understanding.


With understanding, learning

And with learning, behaviour,

Behaviour that reflects the image

Of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.


That ye might walk worthy,

Worthy of the Lord and pleasing,

Being fruitful in every good work

And in his knowledge increasing.


Thus, the continual cycle:

Knowledge wisdom understanding,

A pleasing walk and fruit bearing

And back to the beginning.


Ephesians 4:15


But speaking the truth in love,

May grow up into him in all things,

Which is the head,

even Christ.


Colossians 1:9-10


Understanding brings learning

Learning changes behaviour

Behaviour evidences fruit bearing

That is pleasing to the Saviour.


This is spiritual growth

As we journey through the years,

Cyclic as we walk from day to day

Changing through life's gears.


Colossians 1:11


Strenthened with all might

According to God’s glorious power,

Unto all patience and long suffering

With joyfulness.


spiritual growth — SERMONS — Trinity Church of the Nazarene


Thus, this is spiritual growth

Just plain and simply so,

More than what we boast about

Or even what we know.


Stewart Russell © November 14, 2022


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