Saturday, May 18, 2024

Conflagration, Incineration & Arson


87,000+ World On Fire Pictures



I know you are seeing red

It is common to the above,

And whether we agree or not

It is still one love.


Conflagration is a fire

Incineration is as well,

And what arson actually insinuates

I do not have to tell.


All three speak to fire

Though arson is of evil intent,

Arsonists employ fire to destroy

But you are not so bent.


A conflagration is any fire

Burning out of control,

Like the California summer fires

Whose devastation is untold.


Incineration is controlled

And confined within a space,

Usually, a contraption to contain

The fire taking place.


So many fires are raging

Of the arson type,

And many a political minion

Engage in fiery hype.


Like those California fires

Burning out of control,

Not of incineration but arson

And the drama unfolds.


The Suez Canal: a precious artery of global trade - Il Nuovo Mediterraneo


International conflagration

Reaching regional shores,

Pushing import prices higher

Causing inflation to grow.


Some incineration too

Getting rid of undesirables

Be it re Russia and the Ukraine

Or the Gaza strip and Israel.


Yes, controlled demolition

And collateral incineration,

A casting into hell as it were…

Human deprivation.


And the arsonists’ identity?

The political directorship!

Hand in hand with the filthy rich

Espousing their sales pitch.


 World On Fire viewers break down in tears as BBC series returns to screens  after four years | The Sun


“Sanitizing the imperil earth

For generations to come,”

A “slash and burn” you might say,

When all is said and done.


“Rid the garden of weeds

That the produce may grow,”

Produce determined by the farmer

That only a farmer can know.


Playing God as it were

Regarding who lives or dies,

Narcissism first, then nepotism,

And all that such implies.


Oh, what a conflagration

Across the political landscape!

Millions of unfortunate souls

Simply being raped.


Robbed of dignity and drive

Deprived of human rights,

Incinerated in the claws of adversity,

A most unsettling sight!


Such conceited arsonists

With almost unlimited power!

Safe in their self-contained bunkers

As above them go up in fire.


They owned the igniters

That caused the conflagration

And the incinerators too are theirs,

What devastation!


8 Billion People: How We Got Here and What it All Means — The Latch


Eight billion is untenable

The poor can’t afford the trip,

How dare they share the resources

Of the powerful and rich!


Stewart Russell © February 28, 2024


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