Sunday, May 26, 2024

Is God A Church Member?

 Becoming a Member of God's Church | United Church of God


A rather strange question

You might say,

But one that needs asking

Given our way.


And to which, if any,

Does He belong?

I ask as you answer my friend,

Don’t be wrong and strong.


Think carefully

About the question asked

And do not treat to it

As a trivial task.


Here are some questions

I think you could consider

As you go about attempting

To give your answer.


Are you a church member?

How did you become one?

Did you, like some have done,

Fill out a form?


Was there a period of time

Before you were accepted

And a convert’s class to attend

Or else rejected?


Is your current church

The one you started with

Or was there some concern

That caused your drift?


Is it far different now

Or could you move again

Since the problems from before

Are still causing strain?


Men Of Resolution


Are you looking, I must ask,

For the right church;

One where God is a member

And it doesn’t hurt?


There is no such church,

Not between four walls

And I dare say you won’t find it

Anywhere at all.


Any pastor is a member

Of the church he leads

And unlike God, the Church’s head,

Must follow its creed.


Church rules differ

From church to church

And some are so extra biblical

They can cause you to hurt.


Do also note

There must be people there

For one can find a people-less church

Absolutely nowhere!


And where people are

There will be people problems

And those same people are called on

To solve them


God is not a member

But He is the head of the Church

And therefore, not apostles or bishops

Or any religious expert.


Men Of Resolution


Herein is the answer

To the question at the start,

And this also makes Him the Head

Of every born-again heart.


Stewart Russell © February 20, 2024


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