Monday, May 20, 2024


 Un philosophe explique comment naissent les disputes... et quels sont les  moyens de les éviter


Whenever we dispute

Do we feel that we are wrong?

Certainly not me, my friend,

Hence, I argue strong.


Who would argue strong

In the knowledge he is wrong

And on the back of all this

Stretch it out long?


I guess a fool would

But then again, it’s his nature

And such I would dare say

Never sees the full picture.


That’s why it is important

To make sure of the facts

Before arguing wrong and strong

And talking crap.


why its good to be wrong


I have been wrong

Though I was sure I was right

But apologetically changed my mind

When I saw the light.


And not once or twice

But more that I can count,

And of course, given my age now,

I can’t tell you the amount.


Number, not amount,

I can hear the grammar purists

But having claimed poetic license

I can do this.


 Amount vs number - YouTube


You see what I mean?

You still want to dispute,

Okay, you are right and I am wrong

But I shall remain resolute.


It’s my poem, not yours,

And amount sounds better,

No need to continue this dispute,

You can use number.


Nobody disputes a point

That he knows to be true,

That is why from time to time

Disputes will accrue.


Stewart Russell © February 24, 2024 

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