Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Delusions of Grandeur


Pakistan is suffering from mental disorder called delusion of grandeur -  YouTube


Take a good at the title

Does anything come to mind?

Of perhaps a place or a person

Especially in these times?


Delusions of grandeur!

I’m sure you’ve heard the term:

Some idea, opinion or proposal

Rather difficult to affirm.


A party comes to mind:

A certain political party, I mean,

Having fallen from its lofty height

Is now a real “has been”.


My Journey With Psychosis Delusions Of Grandeur, 48% OFF


Yet trying to convince us

They are a viable alternative

To the party that is now in power

That's relatively ineffective.


Delusions of grandeur!

If you see what I mean,

Unable to manage internal conflict

But can handle a bigger scene.


Unable to climb a hill

But a mountain will attempt,

Such looney, delusional endeavours

One must stoutly resent.


Get your act together

I would most definitely advise

For managing a country is serious

And not about silly asides.


Surely, it’s not about egos

Punctuated with regular outbursts

Where allies are sworn enemies

And with foes are immersed.


It is also the Government

That is in need of help

With astronomical projections

But clearly out of step.


Today's expression: “When you're in a hole, stop digging.” | Hägar Language  School


Digging a hole to get out

But only going farther in

Such as sourcing money to pay loans

By excessive borrowing.


Hoping the tourist dollar

Would get us out of trouble

But ignoramus, partisan supporters

Afraid to burst their bubble.


Engaging multiple reforms

So that we can become a republic

But becoming a republic even before

Was a cleverly crafted trick.


It is like winning the race

With the race yet to be run

And having also collected the trophy,

The organizers must be dumb!


Delusions of grandeur!

The opium of the electorate

Who actually feel that since 2018

We are in a better state.


BestQuote - Celebrating the 100th birthday of Errol Walton Barrow. |  Facebook

We are now among the stars

And shining just as bright

Though we’re just a satellite for others

And their fire we light.


Delusions of grandeur!

We shall soar once the PM flies,

Her recognition will be ours as well

And her highs will be our highs.


To be first class by 2030

With little right now to show,

Surely this is a delusion of grandeur-

And I know that you know.


Talk doesn’t an economy grow

Or fuel from a politician flow,

If such were the case all would be well

And Bim would grow and glow.


Finally, to the church

With its delusions of grandeur,

Promising miraculous breakthrough

But saints continue to flounder.


Prayer sessions on the increase,

And prayer warriors too,

A clear case of delusions of grandeur

With little or no breakthrough.


 Video: Controversy over Pastor who claimed to raise man from dead - P.M.  News


Miracles that never took place

That recipients dubiously claimed,

Some condition for the moment gone

Which the recipients feigned.


But back again the morrow

Or with a few days having passed

Or, as the placebo effect wore off,

The miracle did not last.


Deluged by delusions

Parties, Parliament, parishioners,

But putting one’s faith in Jesus Christ

Is not a delusion of grandeur.


Stewart Russell © May 20, 2024


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