Thursday, May 23, 2024

More Bits and Pieces


NWCFL | Bits And Pieces


Bits and pieces

Are just what they are

And sometimes to hold them together

You need more than tar.


Some people so love an argument

They can’t live without one,

They will argue for the sake of arguing

That abnormality is a norm.


I heard this in an Ad

I believe it was Mac

He was coming with a brand-new song

From way back!


When Your Family Doesn't Support Your Faith | Canadian Bible Guy


The most controversial person ever

Was a Jew,

Sorry to burst your bubble

If you thought it was you.


The inbound journey

Is always shorter than the outbound

And this is not a feeling,

It is a fact, you clown!


Time goes so much faster

When one is having fun

But time just drags on and on

When one is glum.


Loads get heavier

The longer you carry them

And may I humbly suggest to you

Gravity is not the problem.


If you can see something

That just isn’t there

Then you are either very old or mad

Or, you are not here.


Hearing a Voice from Beyond the Grave - C.S. Lewis Institute


We argue about the dead

And what the dead doesn’t know

As though we are experiencing death

And must make a show.


Some people are dead

But just too scared to lie down

Feeling that if they stay on their feet

They will indefinitely stick around.


Picturing my own demise

Is a daily habit

And for sure, one of these days

I will experience it.


I have something to tell you

But don’t tell nobody

And that’s why the body we tell

Is always somebody.


It was a dead giveaway

Witnessed only by the dead,

Don’t put the living in the dock,

Put the dead instead.


Wills - A Dead Giveaway" Sticker for Sale by LuCell Designs | Redbubble


I heard an incredible story

That was so unbelievable

And though I was willing to believe it

It was forgettable.


Have you ever written something

That you couldn’t understand?

That last one was!

That was the plan.


The judge asked the accused,

How old are you?

“Half your age, your honour,” he replied,

“Given your view.”


You *are* a hybrid; half idiot, half moron." : r/TheSimpsons


That very last one

May have been over your head,

Ponder on it for a little while

If you are not dead.


I tried eating a banana fig

That must have contained a rope,

It was not fully ripened

As I had hoped.


If you are a Bajan

You’d understand the last one,

If you are a Bajan but still can’t

You are probably a blonde.


Down, not out - Barbados Today 


A fully functional machine

To rid us of the sargassum weed

Has not be used for a very long time

And a part is its need.


While covered up it was discovered

At a certain location

And the above explanation was given

By a certain politician.


Politicians are known to say

The stupidest things

And at times can be so overwhelming

One’s ear noticeably rings.


Unemployment has gone down

A politician once recalled

But couldn’t be seen by the naked eye

Was his call.


You mustn’t speak ill of the dead

And I certainly agree

Hence, when I am gone, I won’t like it

If you speak ill of me.


Bits and Pieces Photograph by David Hollingworth - Pixels


With these bits and pieces

It is sometimes hard to land

So that I could fly around all day

But that is not my plan.


Just one more I will give you

And I assure you I won’t lie,

After that I will be out of here

And it will be, “Bye-bye!”


If you are still waiting

It means you just didn’t get it,

I am not a politician

So, lying is not a characteristic.


Stewart Russell © May 18, 2024

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