Sunday, January 30, 2022

Where Is the Peace?


Philippians 4:7 (NLT) Then... - God, Jesus And Holy Spirit | Facebook


Where is the peace that comes with prayer?

Why such disquiet and consuming fear?

Where is this God to whom we pray?

Why doesn’t He just make COVID disappear?


Prayer changes things, is our acclaimed boast

And this we shout from coast to coast

Yet COVID just gets worse and worse and worse

And prayers appear futile in light of its curse.


Where is the peace guaranteed in the Word?

Paul mentions it in case you hadn’t heard,

The epistle to the Philippians chapter 4 verse 7

Is where you will find the reference written.


Philippians 4:7 (NLT) Then... - God, Jesus And Holy Spirit | Facebook


Where is the peace that comes with prayer?

Why such disquiet and consuming fear?

Where is this God to whom we pray?

Why doesn’t He just make COVID disappear?


We call for more prayer yet COVID gets worse

There is a demon within it and it is a curse,

Hence, we pray and shout and we become frantic

And try to tell others they should not panic.


In sharing this with a fellow Christian brother

He agreed with me it has become a bother,

He said it reminded him of the prophets of Baal

That screamed and shouted but to no avail.


They prayed and prayed to their so-called Baal

Who either went on a journey or his hearing failed

For he answered not a word or came to their aid,

Poor old created Baal couldn’t make the grade.


What an indictment given what that brother said!

Why do we behave as though God is dead?

“Let your request be known” is what verse 6 said

And repose in the peace of Almighty God instead.


Philippians 4:7 (NLT) Then... - God, Jesus And Holy Spirit | Facebook


Where is the peace that comes with prayer?

Why such disquiet and consuming fear?

Where is this God to whom we pray?

Why doesn’t He just make COVID disappear?


We set store in numbers; it is how many pray

And it is what prayer achieves not God anyway,

So, gather the prayer warriors and intercessors too

There is much praying for them all to do.


Tell them to be on time; it’s an urgent request,

Now the waters are troubled let us not rest,

God says it is time and His timing is always best

Let’s come together and get rid of this pest.


An abundance of praying has already been done

But it is quite apparent up to now COVID has won,

So, how do we measure the success of our prayer?

Pray tell, someone, if you have this wisdom.


Philippians 4:7 (NLT) Then... - God, Jesus And Holy Spirit | Facebook


Where is the peace that comes with prayer?

Why such disquiet and consuming fear?

Where is this God to whom we pray?

Why doesn’t He just make COVID disappear?


Stewart Russell © October 18, 2021


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