Thursday, January 20, 2022

The People Have Spoken


Elecciones generales de Barbados de 2022 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre



The people have spoken

It is thirty-love again!

It is not the outcome I wanted

And it causes me pain.


It gives me a numb feeling

That I cannot explain

But I know that in 2018

I felt the same.


It’s not good for democracy

Though you might not agree

But I do believe in Parliament

An opposition is necessary.




It is like playing draughts

Without an opponent,

You will win the imaginary contest

In any event.


Who will put the other side

When the Parliament meets?

Where will be the cut and thrust

As the MPs speak?


“The people’s Parliament!”

I hear your loud report

But that carries a hollow sound

Like you are making sport.


And in the Senate

How will that be formed?

Will there be nineteen members

Instead of the twenty-one?


Bishop Atherley says there is no money to do the work - Barbados Today


One man came to the rescue

The first time this happened

And we ended up

With a one-man opposition.


There was one in the Lower House

And two in the Upper,

It is likely this time around

To be a different matter.


I did not like it the first time

And I do not like it now

But the people have spoken

And to their say I bow.


Barbados General Elections 2022: Landsliding win, Mia Mottley's BLP takes  over all the seats - Writeups 24


The people have spoken,

The results speak loud and clear,

It is thirty-love again

In elections free and fair.


Whatever our choice

We must abide by the rules

And in the interest of Barbados

Be building tools.


Build up not pull down!

Work not shirk!

In the interest of our fair nation

To the work, to the work!


There is much to be done

And hard decisions to make,

Let’s put our hands to the plough

And work for Barbados’ sake.


Let us build a Barbados

For our children’s children

With Almighty God as our guide,

The help of our Nation.


Stewart Russell © January 20, 2022



  1. Excellent commentary and sentiments Stewart

  2. A minority of the people have spoken. The people must be determined to get up and speak whenever, and under whatever conditions they have the opportunity to speak. If it continues like this the people will certainly lose their democracy and it will be too late, but they would have inflicted a burden on themselves.
